Pipeline Repair Products
Repair Patch is typically shipped in
bulk rolls and field cut to size. Melt
Sticks and Mastic Fillers are used
to repair holidays fill voids.
Storage & Safety Guidelines
These installation instruction are
intended as a guide for standard
1. Removal of Damaged Coating
Remove damaged coating with a
knife or hand grinder to prevent
crack propaga tion in the coating.
2. Solvent Cleaning
Clean exposed steel and adjacent pipe
coating with an approved cleaner (as
per SSPC-SP-1) to remove the presence
of oil, grease and other contaminants.
3. Surface Preparation
Remove adhering rust, coating chalk,
dirt and roughen the mill applied
coating in the repair zone using an
abrasive paper! cloth or wire brush.
4-1. Melt Stick Application
Use a low intensity yellow flame for
preheating the coating and applying
the repair products. With quick back
and forth stokes, pre-heat the repair
zone suffi ciently to remove moisture
and assist in adhesion.
4-2. Melt Stick Application
Heat the Melt Stick and the repair
zone simultaneously with the torch
and spread the Melt Stick over the
damaged area. Keep the flame
moving to prevent dam- aged to the
coating. Some ignition of the Melt
Stick is acceptable.
4-3. Melt Stick Application
Continue spreading the Melt Stick
over the repair zone until the entire
area is covered. After sufficient melt
stick material is on the surface, apply
additional heat in quick back-and-
forth strokes to create a smooth
4-4. Melt Stick Application
Ensure that the Melt Stick material
completely covers the repair zone.
The Melt Stick material should be
spread liberally so that the material
is raised above the coating surface.
4-A. Mastic Filler Installation
Fill deeper crevices with Mastic Filler
(MF). Unroll the filler material and
cut off the required amount.
Leaving the release paper in place.
4-B. Mastic Filler Installation
Use a low intensity yellow flame for
preheating the coating and applying
the repair products. With quick back
and forth strokes, pre-heat the repair
zone sufficiently to remove moisture
and assist in adhesion.
4-C. Mastic Filler Installation
Place the filler material onto the
damaged area with the release paper
facing up. Firmly press the material
into the dam- aged area by hand and
remove the re- lease paper.
4-C. Mastic Filler Installation
After filling the damaged area, remove
the excess filler to create a smooth
sur face. As an option, use a low
intensity yellow flame to warm the
material and assist in smoothing it out.
5. Patch Preparation
Cut a patch large enough to extend
a mimimum of 50mm(2") beyond
the edge of the repair zone. Trim
each corner of the patch about
10- 25mm(1/2"-1") at a 45, angle.
6. Pre-Heat
Warm the damaged area (repair zone
+ 50mm (2") overlap) to remove
moisture and assist in adhesion.
7. Patch Installation
After removing the release liner from
the cut patch, place the patch with
the adhe- sive side up on a gloved hand.
Or on top of the pipe, and heat gently.
Heat until the adhesive softens and
the surface be- comes glossy. Also,
reheat the damaged area to keep
it warm.
8. Patch Installation
Apply the softened adhesive side of
the patch to the damaged area and
press down firmly. Heat the patch
with a low in- tensity flame, and
usign a roller or a gloved hand, pat
down and remove wrin- kles. Roll to
ensure a good bond.
9. Inspection
Visually inspect the installed patch
for the following:
1. Patch is in full contact with the
pipe coating .
2. There are no loose edges.
3. A successful patch has adhesive
flow on the edges.
4. The patch has fully conformed to
the coating.
5. No cracks or holes in patch backing.